
December - UK National Preparedness month

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In 2007 I proposed to set aside December as a month of UK National Preparedness towards an awareness and understanding of preparedness activities in readiness for disasters and emergencies.
From 2012, I changed the month to September in order that we will align with the US-FEMA preparedness month of September. Hopefully this way we will attract and encourage more interest and responses and to discuss ways and means of readiness/responses and preparations in times of emergency and disasters
Updates - Preparedness month is now back to its original month of December - keep looking in!


Follow the daily blog for September Preparedness month

September in US is National Preparedness month Get a Kit, Make a plan be informed, get involved

For current situation reports on any disasters or major related events around the globe, follow my 'sitrep' section here - including links to organisations dealing with disasters

Preparedness month – December


Be prepared for any Emergency disaster – Prepare for the unexpected.


From localised power outages to national disaster events – keep and stay informed.


In 2006 I suggested that here in UK we have a National Preparedness month (December) similar to the one they organise in the States during September – see Homeland security ‘ready’ at


I received some interest and feedback, but nothing compared, naturally, to the interest generated in the USA. However, Britain has experienced a number of severe weather events since that time; flooding, storms and occasional earthquakes, not to mention the many major disasters we have witnessed on a global scale in 2010-11

I anticipate the interest this year would be somewhat greater.


What is a National Preparedness day?


The idea is to bring awareness to the public eye and to demonstrate how to take simple basic steps to prepare for emergencies (both natural and man-made), and to highlight the importance of emergency preparedness, and promote individual involvement through events and activities across the UK.


The purpose;


  • To increase public awareness on the importance of preparing for emergencies and to encourage individuals to take action.
  • To take some simple steps to prepare families for emergencies – such as;
  • Make an emergency supply kit.
  • Organise a family emergency plan.
  • Being informed about different threats and getting involved in preparing their communities
  • Advice to pet owners
  • Advice for seniors and the disabled
  • Get to know your local government emergency planning procedures
  • What to do prior to, during and post emergency event.


Remember – B safe B prepared B wise – Survive!

Check the GDACS site for regular Global disaster reports

Access the many links on our website here to follow the current updates on severe weather events - Earthquakes, Typhoons, tsunami's, hurricanes, Volcanic eruptions and much more

The Guardian - natural disasters and extreme weather - updated

Please keep checking back as updates and events are added...many thanks.
In the meantime, please contact me if you want further information or wish to contribute related articles or review any equipment or books.

email Howard M-Jones safe survival