UPDATE September 2022 - due to further interest this site will continue once more! This site began in December 2000, so this
year in December 2024, we are 24 years old! It is one of the longest running of its type on the Internet - let's hope we can
Contact Howard m-Jones
NEW....Our first prepper broadcast
Beredskap The Gower Prepper
Link on the below title to directly download the MP3 podcast or click on the podcast to listen live
Beredskap The Gower Prepper
September UK Preparedness month 2022 now extended to December
To celebrate our 22nd year on the Internet, I have added a new regular section, 'Homesteading Preparedness' - please check
it out
The Domesday Clock - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - now.....100 Seconds to midnight
During the current Ukraine-Russia crisis I have made the DEFCON warning system available on the front page
Safe survival blogspot
UK storm centre
Lightning strikes maps and storms real time
Blitzortug real time lightning and thunderstorms
Current Volcanic activity - Volcano Discovery
Earthquake 3D Live Feed
Current earthquake activity - IRIS seismic monitor
Earthquakes world wide EMCS
Earthquake activity in Euro-Mediterranean area EMCS
NEXLAB Satellite and radar College du plage
Global severe weather information
RSOE EDIS Global emergency incidents real time map
Magic seaweed storm tracking and surf
Global storm watch - live data
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
NASA world view satellite imagery real time
Tropical Storm Risk TSR - forecasts of global storms
Accuweather notifications of weather alerts in your area
Hurricane and Storm Watch
SEVERE WEATHER AND TORNADO WARNINGS - Current tornado alerts and map
TORNADO INTERACTIVE MAP - Underground weather
Lightning maps - view where current lightning storms are located
Live Global map of wind, weather and ocean conditions
Live IRIS Seismic monitor
Current and recent GLOBAL earthquakes USGS
Global GSN Heliplots - seismograms
Euro - Mediterranean earthquakes - CSEM - EMSC
UK earthquake recent events and data
Tsunami warnings and Tsunami Preparation
Current volcano activity
Global - Atlantic 10 day weather forecast
Atlantic Satellite maps - Accuweather local weather
Ventusky - weather forecast UK Atlantic ocean - storms, rain cloud, wind speed, pressure
Atlantic Ocean Satellite Map
North Atlantic weather satellite storm surf data
Met office storm tracker
Metcheck UK rain radar
Infra red satellite images UK - Ireland
Blu-Med Emergency Preparation Guide - Are You Ready? An In-Depth Guide to Emergency Preparation
Senior Emergency Preparedness for senior citizens.... (Many thanks to Peyton Clarkson for the heads up to this very useful
Emergency Preparedness Storage Guide - Thanks to the Jennings BSA Troop 325, for giving me the heads up on this site
DEFCON warning system
To join in the preparedness chat lounge scroll down to bottom of this page
During the current Hurricane season follow the updates, news and advisories here
Solar activity: Follow live updates and live streaming satellite data on our sister site
UK winter cold weather alerts - check in regularly to keep an eye on any cold weather alerts and updates
Swansea - South Wales UK - Mumbles Head weather information
Welcome to the Safe Survival and Disaster preparedness site
Please follow the links on the side menu and the information posted below
A to Z of all articles, links and organisations on safe survival site
Keep posted and up to date with live global seismic activity
Keep updated by joining our free preparedeness forum - see below
Safe Survival and Preparedness forum updated
NOAA Pacific tsunami warning center
Follow me on twitter
Follow all current global weather events
World weather satellite maps - updated daily
UK - extreme weather warning
UK current weather satellite loop
USA Extreme weather warnings
USA Geostationary satellite imagery
New - List of Emergency Disaster organisations and agencies world-wide
Useful links
Join our forum to share your news and experiences and to find out how you can
prepare for current and future disasters
Your one pit stop for all preparedness and survival advice for natural and man-made
disasters - short and long term survival and backwoods/homestead living
Link here for the latest live streaming audio weather reports in your area in USA
Link here for live streaming for weather reports - just choose your area to hear the latest adio report..courtesy of wunderground
You will find many interesting links for safe survival preparations under all circumstances and
survival in general, in addition to useful tips and guidelines.
These are just a few of the subjects that are covered:
Safe survival preparation for families and individuals
Outdoor survival including emergency preparedness Water safety
Natural disasters preparation
Alternative green home building
Alternate heat and light
Homestead-Backwoods living
Varying articles concerning the outdoors will be posted at regular intervals,
so please be sure to check the updates as often as you can. In the meantime, feel free to trek and scramble through this site
making the most of the many useful links.
RSOE Global Havaria Interactive Emergency and Disaster information (hosted from Hungary)

Mid Atlantix WX - one stop for all Mid Atlantic severe weather and storm warnings
SOS Preparedness online magazine
Safe Survival - Preparedness CD-ROM available soon
RSS news feed from the BBC UK - science and nature -
RSS BBC news front line
Latest earthquake activity
Mail S O S for further info
Community Contact
I have added a community page for you to include your local important updates/local conditions
Community contact
LATEST - SAFE SURVIVAL BOOK -Under construction
A book and CD-ROM based on the content of this site and much more, is now under construction.
Please link to SOS Book and CD for further information
Safe Survival magazine latest update