The following ‘rough guides’ are collated, and abbreviated
for ease of quick reference from my fuller articles on the safe survival and preparedness website.
The guides allow for a brief overview to enable the reader to
gain an insight on the preparedness for each potential disaster, both natural and man-made (whether intentional or accidental).
However, please bear in mind that the original full article for
each event should be consulted, including the related web links, which will give you a fuller understanding of how these events
are caused and how to prepare you and your family safely.

There will be three sections in the rough guides;
- Section A –
Natural disasters
- Section B –
Man-made disasters whether by design or accident
- Section C –
Preparedness plans and methods
Section A;
- Cold weather
- Earthquakes
- Flooding
- Heat waves
– solar radiation
- Hurricanes
- Tornadoes/storms
- Tsunami
- Volcanic eruptions
Section B
- Nuclear event
- Biological
- Chemical event
Section C
- Disaster plans
- Alternate heat,
light and power
- Water storage
- Food storage
- Sustainable
living – utilising natural elements in home building
Please link here to our Safe Survival-Preparedess magazine - The Rough Guide series - What Happens When?