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What to do and How to do it over the longer term of survival - 'backwoods living'


Over the years I have written many articles, guides and tips etc on emergency preparedness for a diverse array of natural and man made disasters. The majority of these have leaned towards the short term or ‘now’ situation for preparedness, but what should we do if experience a major disaster and have to prepare for the long haul? It could be months or even years – how do we prepare and survive the longer term?


Apart from the physical challenges that will confront people, there will undoubtedly be the psychological challenges that will go hand in hand – how do we cope with such challenges?


In this new section under development, it is hoped to provide a ‘rough guide’ to the diverse array of both the foreseeable and unforeseeable ‘challenges’ that may confront people under such post disaster events.

From surviving the initial shock and its after effects right through to setting up temporary and permanent shelters and homes, how to grow and store your own food, how to survive in the ‘backwoods’ including basic bush-craft techniques and how to cope with both the demanding physical and psychological issues.


Please keep tuned in for further developments - and go to the new long term survival section - click below


Ambilac - long-term survival section

Related Links - continually updated - Rural living Principle and Practice

backwoods Home magazine - practical ideas for self reliant living

Drayad Bushcraft - survival courses UK

Wilderness gathering - Bushcraft skills UK

Safe rooms and Disaster shelters by Blueprint Joinery and construction