
Severe weather alerts

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Weather alerts and links on the current situation

NASA World view satellite real time


Met office severe weather alerts

MetCheck - Weather watch UK

Storm surf - wave heights, surf and wind reports - select the tab nearest your location for full data

National Data Buoy Center - NOAA - select the buoy nearest tour location for full data

Global earth-wind map Null school

Magic seaweed UK Ireland surf charts

Net weather TV latest updates

Meteox weather interactive radar charts

French-European weather satellite

Sat 24 interactive radar loops Europe

South Wales (Swansea area) local bay and surf webcams

UK earthquake events and data

Mumbles Head weather wind measurements

Emergency alerts:


Special important notification


North American weather alerts:

The bad news - For many years I have been subscribing to the US weather alert systems to provide our ‘Safe survival and Preparedness’ readers and followers with the latest weather severe alerts and related breaking news.

In recent years the ‘GovDelivery’ weather alert organisation has been providing these alerts for free, however I have recently received an email from them advising me that as from July 31st they will no longer provide this service (at least not for free).


The good news: I have checked through the alternate organisations and have now listed a number of options for your areas in the States, which I list below with a brief explanation and the links for you to subscribe for free – there are other services but they require a subscription.


I am working on the UK alerts at the moment, updates later.


The list is for alert notifications – the various weather channels and forecasts for your areas may still be access via the many websites, which I have listed on our safe survival and preparedness website –



Here is the statement from GovDelivery, and below are the alternate sources you can subscribe for free


GovDelivery Weather Alert Subscriber,


We are writing to inform you that this notification service will be discontinued effective July 31, 2013.


Earlier in the year, it was announced that GovDelivery would continue providing this weather alerts after the National Weather Service discontinued the service. 


Due to the substantial costs of providing a messaging service at this scale with high reliability, GovDelivery cannot continue the free service.


Alternate alert notification sources:



Provides free email forecast and severe weather alerts



Critical alerts: - Breaking news, weather conditions, radar, national weather situation, airport delays and more. Free


Early Alert

Our Professional Emergency Management team, together with our Meteorology (MET) team, have designed a suite of electronic reports which can be deployed to your management personnel, emergency management teams, and staff at all levels to notify them of impending, hazardous events, natural or man-made. Real-time weather and other extreme hazard alerts via email, text message, IM, voice, or website posting, to include individuals and/or groups

Email and mobile device Free and Premium fee base




Designed, managed, and run by meteorologists, delivers real-time severe weather and emergency alerts by text message and email for any U.S. City for free.




Weather alerts on the desktop. (Intellicast is part of the Weather Channel Group) Free


FEMA - Free alerts to all mobile devices for most urgent threats (including weather)


Call loop

Call Loop - makes it easy for schools, organizations, and local government agencies to send emergency alerts via mass text messages and audio voice broadcasts. Free for text alerts



Simple weather alerts

Public Twitter accounts are free for personal use.  Custom Twitter accounts created for a fee. Alert messages are formatted for easy reading on mobile devices



SMS tsunami and earthquake warnings

Free email and SMS alerts



Tornado by American Red Cross

Provides alerts of NWS Tornado watches/warnings and severe thunderstorm watches/warnings.  Educates the user about severe weather safety. Free



Weather Bug (I use this app and find it most useful, includes the Sun’s UV situation)

WeatherBug offers a free desktop application showing live local current conditions and severe weather alerts right in their system tray



The Weather Channel

Email alerts are free. Although The Weather Channel does not charge for text message alerts, message and data rates may apply from your mobile phone company.


Weather Underground -

Streaming NWR Audio at  Various weather related applications at .



Weather USA

WeatherUSA provides a free, real-time weather alert service which sends out weather warnings, watches, and hurricane information as soon as they are issued by federal agencies (such as the National Weather Service). Alerts are sent to subscribers in the warned areas via text messages (SMS) and e-mail. Premium users can also receive alerts via voice (phone) call.



Caveat: Use the above links and information provided at your discretion -


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