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Relevant articles chosen on self sustaining living

Backwoods home magazine: The rising cost of food and fuel What's causing it? What can we do? What is the danger? By John Silveira

New - Digging in for comfort (earth shelters) by Kelly Hart - click here for word doc

For further information on diverse alternate building ideas and techniques visit Kelly Hart at Green home building here

How do you live without electricity
Anita Evangelista
An article from the Backwoods Home magazine
Its going to happen. Sooner or later, the power will go off, and you wont know when (or if) it will come back on. This doesnt have to be the work of evil-doers, either. It could be a sudden ice storm that brings down the power lines. It could result from other severe weather such as a tornado or hurricane, or from a disruption caused by faulty power company equipment, or even something as simple as a tree branch falling on your own personal segment of the grid. The effect is the same: everything electrical in your home stops working

How do you live without Electricity

From the Hopi - "When the end is near, we will see a halo of mist around the heavenly bodies. Four times it will appear around the sun as a warning that we must reform."

 It is becoming increasingly obvious from the many recent outpourings from numerous government and military agencies that something is going on within our solar system. What actually it is, they do not go into details. In addition we are seeing many "unusual" solar and severe weather changes on our planet, such as volcanic activity, earthquakes and typhoons and so on.

I will not go into details as one can easily check these increasing incidents on the many and diverse websites that are available. However, this all goes to fuel the concept that our earth is suffering its internal and external conflict to cope with the changes that are going on within and outside our solar system. 

These events, especially the increasing solar activity, will bring about diverse earth changes in many locations, of which the ultimate effects will be disastrous, and therefore, no matter how one may personally believe what these effects will be, now is a good time to at least think about the scenario and what one can do to safeguard and protect oneself and family.

In the first part of this article we will look at the possible effects of disasters such as the above, we will then examine what areas will likely to be affected, and deduce from that possible "safe" locations. Bear in mind that one can only surmise from the data known and offered at the present time, and the following is purely a helpful guide. Until the governments of our world see fit to present us with all the facts (??) we must go on with what we know.


What do we know? Well, apart from the many diverse sites on the web, the mis and dis info campaigns, ones head may indeed be spinning, but I will point to one or two interesting websites at the end of this article.  

The results of massive solar flaring and major earthquake and volcanic activity would be disastrous, massive tsunamis, and large tracts of land would disappear into the seas, while other portions of land would be uplifted from below the sea.

  • A polar shift would see continents change dramatically, where once were cold climes would then witness temperate and warmer climates, deserts would be no more etc etc.

So, where could we expect to be considered a safe location?


I would suggest move inland

Avoid being several hundred miles from the coast, especially the east and west coasts of North America.

Take to high ground at least 5,000 feet if possible, especially if living in Europe

Avoid Great Britain, the main land tracts will submerge below the sea, apart from one or two separated geological tracts such as found in Scotland.

Central USA and Canada would be ideal locations either on high ground or the prairies.

I include below a summary of considered "safe" locations from the website at   which may be worth reading over. However, based on many years research and from what we gather from our results from the Giza Plateau work and our many sources. I would suggest the following locations: Please note these are for a general guide only and overall it would be your own "gut" feeling or choice as to where you wish to be re-located, if needed at all.

I also feel that the indigenous Indian tribes, such as the Hopi etc, may have the best information regarding safe locations.

An excerpt  from a talk Given by Lee Brown,
1986 Continental Indigenous Council.

A good friend of mine in Montana whose grandmother just passed away last year, the last thing she said to him was "Make a place for yourself in the mountains because the air will become so hot down here," where they were at on a reservation, that it would be hard to breath. And it won't be long, That's the last thing she told her grandson when she was passing. Go on the mountains and make a place for yourself. Put some things there that you can survive with. People are going to run to the mountains to survive and the Native people must be ready for this.

First, the areas I would consider a NO-GO in times of catastrophy:

The majority of the British Isles (it will be submerged under water)

The Lowlands of Europe, especially the coastal areas.


Niagra Falls area

Both east and west coasts of United States

California and the Baja Peninsula

Considered safe locations:

Elevated regions of Europe, away from coastlines, especially eastern and northern coastlines.

Central USA and Canada

Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Four corners areas of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah & Colorado.

Central Canada Manitoba, saskatchewan, Alberta and possibly east of BC on higher ground


East Africa and Egypt

Pole shift areas:

Edgar Cayce. Reading 1152-11 given on 13th August 1944 contained the statement that Virginia Beach in North America would be among the safety lands. In addition, portions of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and much of the Southern and Eastern portions of Canada would be safe.

For an overview of Cayces readings on the Earth changes events go to:

In summary, the main areas considered safe by various seers.

Hugh Auchincloss Brown

Greenland, Antarctica, East Africa, Pacific Ocean

Chan Thomas - Southeast Africa

Emil Sepic - Far Inland at High altitude

Edgar Cayce  - Southern & Eastern Canada, Norfolk USA (Virginia area), Ohio, Indiana and Illinois

Aaron Abrahmsen  - New England (Inland) & Houston

Paul Solomon  - Shenandoah valley, Bermuda, Southern Florida and Inland New England areas

Native Americans  - Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Four corners areas of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah & Colorado

Ruth Montgomery - Egypt, Mediterranean area, Gobi desert

Tom Valentine - Western Coast of Europe, Mid pacific area (Near Hawaii)

I hope the above information was of help. There will be further contributions and information, so please look in.

Howard M-Jones


(1) our articles on above - OPENING THE ARENA = August 2001




An Answer To The Threat of 76P And The Plight of Phobos
by Ray Ward & gary d. goodwin

Visit this site for many maps of earth changes, geological maps and much more.