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Survival and Preparedness associated Biography of
Howard Middleton-jones


Howard Middleton-Jones Born 1946




Howard is an archaeologist specialising in Egyptian archaeology and Coptic desert sites. He has been travelling to Egypt for 20 years building on his experience of travelling and working on site locations in the Western Desert, and expanding his knowledge of desert survival.


Throughout the 1960’s Howard was a member of the Welsh swim squad and was also a voluntary lifeguard at Langland Bay and a member of the original long board surfing fraternity. It was during this time he gained invaluable sea survival experience which was later enhanced when he was a member of the Royal Naval Reserves for 20 years.

While in the Naval Reserves, Howard was a chief instructor in communications and responsible for the basic NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical) class training. He was posted at Swansea, London (Thames) and as instructor at the Greenwich Naval College, and served as chief communications officer in over 13 NATO exercises, both ashore and afloat.


.In 1970 Howard joined the Sekhi do Khan Karate club in Swansea practising Wado Ryu style Karate for a number of years


In 1972 Howard was the first full time National Trust warden for the Gower Peninsula (the first area in Great Britain to be designated An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – AONB) living in the isolated warden’s house amongst the Pine woods at Whiteford Burrows National Nature Reserve. While at Whiteford, Howard and his family enjoyed the opportunity to live a part sustainable life by growing their own vegetables, fruit and keeping a flock of chickens for supply of eggs.


In 1973 Howard developed his interest and experience in mountain and hill climbing/walking by taking the Mountain Leadership course at Plas Y Brenin, Snowdonia. Over the years Howard has built on his experience by taking many parties of hill walkers in a number of locations under various conditions


In 1979 Howard’s wife died suddenly leaving him to raise two young daughters. Living in a wooden bungalow with an acre of garden this gave him opportunity to expand and hone his carpentry and self reliant skills.


In 1999 Howard joined a unique international team of around 13 people researching solar anomalies of the sun and the effects of mass coronal ejections on the earth. Part of this research was published as a CD in 2005 illustrated with many satellite images of the sun. His main interest in this area is the effects of a solar EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) strike from the sun and how to prepare for such an event.

In 2001 Howard set up and developed the safe survival and preparedness website, which is now one of the longest running websites of this subject area


Currently, apart from his main interest in promoting an awareness in general preparedness, Howard’s other interests lie in the ability to prepare for the longer term sustainability situation, looking at the issues and effects of the physical and psychological aspects of a post catastrophic event.


Email:    Websites:   Websites: (Solar)


1982    ‘Journey Through Gower’ – History, archaeology, flora and fauna of Gower

1994    ‘Flint To Fortress’ Video of the archaeology of Gower

2000    ‘Giza Genesis, The Best Kept Secrets’ Analysing the connections of the origins of the Pyramids at the Giza Necropolis Cairo, Egypt

2001    Giza Genesis, The Sphinx Revealed. Part Two

2005    ‘SO-HO’ Strange – Research on the solar anomalies and the SOHO satellites of NASA


2010 and ongoing –‘Are You prepared for a ‘Jericho-type’ event? An online book based on the American 2006 Television series about a fictional town in the States, ‘Jericho’ and how they survived and lived after a nuclear attack on 23 cities in America.

Currently Howard is an associate tutor for the Adult Continuing Education section of the Humanities College Swansea University. He is responsible for the development and teaching of the Archaeology and Coptic Studies programmes.




1966-67 - Plumpton Agricultural College Sussex

1970-71 - Harper Adams College/University

1990-93 - Swansea University

1995/6 - Oxford University       




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