Available now as a kindle book, the paperback version available soon: El Antikkhana: 1835-2020: The Egyptian Museum - 185
years in the Making
At last
- due to the many post revolution events in Egypt, finally the Aswan volume of the Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt
is now available - contributions from the Aswan Coptic symposium in 2010..! Click on the front cover of the volume below for further information

Welcome to the Coptic research site
This is an ongoing research area with many useful links and articles on Coptic archaeology, art and history
UK Coptic Research and Resource Centre facbook page
UK Coptic symposium ; Stevenage Coptic Orthodox Church centre UK - check the Conferences
and Congresses link on the side menu for further details
Go here to access the Friends of the Coptic museum Cairo
Coptic News and archive Blog - compiled by Howard Middleton-Jones
Interview with the Coptologist Dr. Gawdat Gabra in Munster Germany.
Please click on the photograph below to watch the streamed video - this will
open a new window

My many thanks to Peter Hossfeld (pictured left above) of VCS Productions (Switzerland) for
kindly coming to Munster to film the interview.
Also pictured above, Dr Gawdat Gabra (centre) and myself.
My grateful thanks also to Gawdat Gabra for the interview.
Photograph was taken at the library of the famous Institute of Egyptology and Coptology Munster
Dr. Gawdat Gabra
Institute for Egyptology and Coptology - Munster University, Germany
Interview with Howard Middleton-Jones and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams discussing
the Desert fathers - click on picture below

I am grateful to the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace for allowing this interview
to take place and for the filming facilities.
My thanks also to Peter Hossfeld of VCS productions Switzerland for hosting the streaming video
VCS Productions Switzerland